Labels:capacitor | circuit | clock OCR: Introduction Gavrinis Scandinavian Los Millores Beakers Wesse Burials and Mining ana the Megaliths Culture Status Minteberg Neolithic Celts The Bituol West Asia The Mesolithic Carnac Religion Stonehenge Development Landscape of Metallurgy Minoans and The Neolithic Eorly c8300 Farming 3000BC Temples Maltese Chamberea Tombs c4000-2000BC Corded Ware 4000 Eorly Metallurgy 2000BC Nuragh 2500 Chiefdoms 800BC Mycenaeans Early Farmers The Somerset 4000- Megaliths 2000 Barkaer The age Copper Aoriculture Intensification Loo Scandanavian Coffins Weapons Warfare pud Bronze Chiefdoms Age Levels BC keramic Neolithic North and East in the Skara Brae Tiszapolgar Boussargues Sires Fortified Bronze Rock Art Age Bronze Trumpet Age Lur} Beokers Wessex Butials Ritual ombs Nuraghi 3000B Wore 2000B0 c2500 800B B ...